All Categories - Codomo - Learning Experience Design
13 de setembro de 2021 ·
Source: People vector created by freepik New technologies have made learning much more...
30 de junho de 2019 ·
How engaged are your employees? The State of the Global Workplace report by Gallup has reported...
10 de junho de 2019 ·
The Resurgence of Board Games We may live in a world where we are constantly surrounded by...
13 de maio de 2019
What Is Creativity? Let’s start off with an activity to test your level of creativity, shall...
13 de maio de 2019 ·
Living in a world where smartphones, computers, and smart systems have been so deeply woven into...
13 de maio de 2019
As an education technology and design startup with a lean team, having the right collaboration...
14 de março de 2019 ·
🤔 What is Design? 🤯 What is Innovation? Before we begin, I would like you to answer 2 questions...
19 de agosto de 2017 ·
I have been working with the BBC Micro:bit for a while trying to create an easy-to-use kit to...
12 de fevereiro de 2017 ·
Remember the times before iPhones and iPads? When we would gather with friends to play sports,...
15 de janeiro de 2017 ·
Tech education is not new in K-12. A decade ago, Singapore offered a two-year GCE ‘A’ Level...
19 de dezembro de 2016 ·
Singapore’s education system has been consistently ranked within the top 3 of the PISA standards...
13 de novembro de 2016
What do you see in this picture? We see our education system. Rows of students packed in...
6 de outubro de 2016 ·
Today is the last lesson of our Android Design Innovation Course at Maha Bodhi Primary School. As...